Updated 3/12/20: Please see this update from FIRST headquarters about the 2020 season: https://www.firstinspires.org/covid-19.
The Central Missouri Regional is hosted by the KS/W.MO FIRST Region and is one of three regional tournaments for this region. Watch this space for more information.
Day 0 Thursday 4/2/20 Load In for Teams starts at 5:30 pm
Day 1 Friday 4/3/20 Practice Day
Day 2 Saturday 4/4/20 Qualification Rounds
Day 3 Sunday 4/5/20 Qualification Rounds and Final Rounds.
See information on the Central Missouri Regional on the FIRST Robotics Competition Team Portal Page.
Venue, start and end times, and date are subject to change. Watch for more information.
Questions: contact our FRC Regional Director, Robert Dumler.